Introduction | How To Use | The Inner Workings | How To Contribute | Credits | Roadmap / Files

How to Contribute
This is an open-source project, and the part that really interacts with the user can be added on a plugin based level. That makes this project very well suited for contribution and expansion by the broad public.

When you have some software ready for contribution, or any questions, write someone on the Development Team. They can take it from there.
How to Make Games
This is of course the $1 million question. And the answer is simple. Just extend the brainstorms.Game class, flesh out the abstract methods and make sure to add a constructor with no parameters. And that is that for accepting the game into the mechanics of the loader.

The top-level abstract class extends JPanel, so all graphical elements of the game can be added directly to the game-class, and it will be shown in the center of the frame. Be sure to make it fit a small screen, as the applet-version of the Loader cannot increase its size.

To start the game, see the entry How To Use. For knowledge on how to add the game to the Game List, read on.

The top-level abstract class extends JPanel, so all graphical elements of the game can be added directly to the game-class, and it will be shown in the center of the frame. Be sure to make it fit a small screen, as the applet-version of the Loader cannot increase its size.
How to Make Game Packages
It is actually quite simple to make game-packages. Simply make a jar-file with compiled classes, and include an xml-file detailing the games in the package. Exact details about the xml-files will be supplied if requested, but a future feature includes a program to make the package automatically.

Since a jar-file is compressed using zip-compression, every modern OS can make them natively, just rename the zip-file from .zip to .jar.
Where to report bugs
Go here to submit new bugs. Be sure to check the bug-list before submitting. Chances are the bug you have found is already registered and waiting to be solved.
How to Make Factories (deprecated)
Important notice! Due to internal reconstruction, this feature is deprecated, and now completely removed from all further versions, as it is never used anyway. It is included for historical reasons.
To make a Factory, there are a few rules to be followed.
  • The class must extend brainstorms.GameFactory.
  • The name of the class must be Factory. This also assures that there can be only one Factory per package-level.
  • It must have a constructor with no parameters, as this will be called dynamically by the Loader.
  • The lists of games and factories needed by the super-constructor must be filled with all details on this level for the Loader to be populated correctly; The games are those on the same package-level as the factory and the factories are those that belong to the children of the package.

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