Introduction | How To Use | The Inner Workings | How To Contribute | Credits | Roadmap / Files

The Inner Workings
When starting the program, a lot goes on under the surface, and a lot of subroutines fall into place to organize and load the various parts of the machinery. Here we will get around the different part and try to understand how it works.
The Loader
The Loader is just a simple JFrame with a JPanel and the option to dynamically load other JPanels into this. These other JPanels are the games, and they all correspond to a certain ruleset that gives easy manipulation of them no-matter how they are made.
The Factories
The factories are responsible for retrieving all games and factories from their own package-level and those below. They inherit from the same abstract class so they can conform to a few well-known design patters, mainly the Factory pattern and the Chain-of-Responsibility pattern.
The Games
The games are small classes that all inherits a basic abstract class which in turn inherits from JPanel, thus making sure that the games all fit into the machinery and can be loaded and handled correctly.

There are a few predefined methods in the abstract class, and it forces some things to be done in a specific way. Aside from these few things, nothing more can be said for the games. The rest is up to the individual programmers.

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